korg ex

image Strona startowa       image korg m1r       image kozia gorka       image kolonoskpia       image kockums 822       image kohonen       



Temat: help - i want to put an encoder instead of 2 buttons on a poly-800
hi; still i think your clone is not exactly a "clone" but a more advanced synth. anyway - i'd be ecstatic if you found anything about poly-800 midi implementation. well i'm sure it isn't a more advanced synth, more like a cut down version of the poly 800 (no keys; it's an expander unit); like the KORG EX-800 is. i think it's like this; the KORG poly-800 and it's little brother the EX-800 (without keys) have also been made by SIEL synthesizers (the DK-80 and the EX(pander)-80). The "EX" version has also been made by Suzuki; they call it the SX-500 (i've got this one) I'm almost sure all these machines have the same electronics inside, with some minor differences. so; let's hope it's true what i'm saying...
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5457

Temat: Muzyka Dietera, a instrumentarium
">modern talking i instrumentarium mozna zamknac w 2 okresleniach- w studio 1 instrument czyli komputer, na scenie duzo instrumentow tyle, ze niepodlaczonych do pradu Oto szczegółowa lista instrumentów wykorzystanych przy nagrywaniu ostatnich trzech albumów MT. Zrezygnowano nawet z gitary zastępując ją "gitarą" z syntezatora. E-mu SP-12 E-mu Vintage Keys Korg EX-8000 Korg M1R EX Korg Mini Pops 3 Kurzweil K2600 Roland CR-8000 Roland D-550 Roland JD-990 Roland MKS-20 Roland MKS-30 + Programmer Roland MKS-50 +Programmer Roland MKS-70 +Programmer Roland P-330 Roland S-750 Roland S-760 Roland SC-155 Roland SVC-350 Vocoder Roland TR-33 Roland TR-55 Roland TR-77 Roland TR-330 Roland TR-606 Roland TR-707 Roland TR-808 Roland TR-909 Roland U-220 Spectral Audio ProTone Technics WSA-1 Technics WSA-1R Waldorf...
Źródło: moderntalking.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2303

Temat: help - i want to put an encoder instead of 2 buttons on a poly-800
hello i tried the modification to change the buttons by encoder and it seems to don't work does somebody ever try it ? by the way i own a korg ex-800 a siel dk-80 and expander 80 the korg don't receive midi exept volume and basic controllers but really not all.... the siel receive midi on all parameters i made the test with syex librarian one filter in my dk-80 is dead it's a ssm2045 .....i don't see them in my
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5457

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